Ref No. AIFPSDF/845/12                                                         
Dated, 17.03.2012


          We are thoroughly disappointed with this Union Budget 2012-13. No indication has been given to strengthen the PDS and ensure supply of PDS Commodities to all classes of people, particularly those belonging to the Lower-Middle-Class and Middle-Class. No safeguard for such classes from falling victims to the spiraling open market have been indicated, which we apprehend will lead to rampant hoarding & black-marketing of Cereals, Sugar and Kerosene besides all other essential items. The problems of the Fair Price Shops ventilated on times without number have been totally ignored. More than 5,06,000 Fair Price Shop Dealers and their employees with their respective family members apprehend unemployment, disaster and damnation. No inclination whatsoever has been shown to convert Fair Price Shops as viable Units in total disregard to the services provided by them during all these years.

          In view of the proposal of direct Cash Transfer for Kerosene & LPG, we vehemently ventilate our opposition since such direct Cash Transfer  will not only lead to the misuse of the cash but this will also make the items scarce and dearer than its present Govt. fixed open market rate of Rs. 40/- per liter.  This will put the K. Oil Dealers out of business and forcing them to be in serious pecuniary perils. Many eminent Economists have already been vocal against the proposal of Cash Transfer. The proposal for direct supply of Fartilisers to the farmers by the Retailers is welcome with the humble request of appointing the existing Fair Price Shops in Rural areas as such Retailers may go a long way for their rehabilitation specially because of the fact that their Turnover and viabilities may reach a rock-bottom level with the introduction of Food Security Bill.We have already protested against the proposed National Food Security Bill-2011 and have already decided to hold a Mass agitation at Ramlila Ground, Delhi on 27.03.2012 at 11 am which is to be followed by a Massive Rally to the Parliament for submission of our Charter-of-Demands to the Hon’ble Prime Minsiter and the Hon’ble Chairperson of UPA. The decision of Computerization of PDS is very much welcome since we have been long demanding this for the sake of our transparency. The infrastructural changes for total computerization of PDS will, however, have to be made by Govt. of India upto the grassroot level. The scheme will otherwise flop. The All India Fair Price Shop Dealers’ Federation calls upon the people to oppose this regressive Budget and be united with us for demanding “Food & Kerosene for All”

 (General Secretary)


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