Ref No: AIFPSDF/1791/12 Dated, 14.11.2012


Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji,
The Hon?ble Prime Minister,
Govt. of India,
152, South Block,
New Delhi- 110 011.


Most Hon?ble Sir,

On being deeply aggrieved for rejection of our long-standing Demands ventilated for times without number and also to protest against the decision of implementing the Policy of Direct Cash Transfer of Subsidy to the Consumers for PDS articles & Kerosene Oil which will further aggravate our dwindling financial and unviable financial conditions, we have unanimously forced to go for an One Day All India Token Strike on 11.12.2012 (Tuesday) to press our demands and consideration of our submissions.

      We demanded “Food for All” under PDS in the context of large quantities of foodgrains rotting undisposed and could have been utilized for PDS. The Hon’ble Supreme Court was pleased to express unhappiness in this regard. Incidentally, Crores of Consumers have already forwarded their Mass Signature demanding Foodgrains, Sugar & Kerosene for all to your Office. This fact may kindly be taken into consideration by passing the National Food Security Bill-2011 accordingly.

       We may relevantly submit that Govt. of India have principally appreciated and upheld our rightful demands ventilated in our 7-Point Memorandum submitted to your Honored Self on 30.03.2012 & 01.08.2012 respectively but most unfortunately, implementation of such demands like treating the Fair Price Shop Dealers as Govt. Employees, Increase in Commission & Transport Costs and allowing us to sell all Essential Items & Items of daily Use including LPG Cylinders, Rly. Tickets, Postal items from the FPS Counters have not been done by a suitable amendment in the relevant Provision of the PDS Control Order-2001 though Hon’ble Justice Wadhwa Commission appointed by the Apex Court made concrete recommendations in this regard as the only way to make the Fair Price Shops viable. 

      The above-referred Strike is our only way to protest for our very survival and we would beg of you kindly to bear with us.

With umpteen regards,
Yours faithfully,
(Biswambhar Basu)
General Secretary

Copy forwarded for favor of kind information & necessary action, to :-

(1) Prof. K.V.Thomas, Hon?ble Union Minister-of-State (Independent Charge) for Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Govt. of India,
(2) Shri Verappa Moili, Hon?ble Union Minister, Petroleum & Natural Gas Ministry.
(3) Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission of India.
(4) Shri Vilas Rao Muttemwar, Hon’ble M.P. & Chairman, Standing Committee on Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Govt. of India.
(5) Hon’ble Members of Parliament.
(6) Cabinet Secretary, Govt. of India
(7) Union Food Secretary, Govt. of India.
(8) Chairman & Managing Director, Food Corporation of India.
(9) Food Commissioners / Food Secretaries of all the States / UTs.

Biswambhar Basu
(General Secretary)

To The Hon'blc Prime Minister,
Govt, of India,
152, South Block,
New Delhi- 110 Oil.


Most Respected Sir,

We, the undersigned voice our strong objections to the proposed Food Security Bill and Demand Rice, Wheat, Sugar & Kerosene for all sections of Consumers under the Public Distribution System. Cash should not be a substitute for Food or Kerosene and we resent the proposed Cash Transfer.

Let there be a Universal Food Security and Sugar & Kerosene for all. Foodgrains should not be allowed to rot because of insufficient storage capacity. Let the foodgrains be distributed and properly utilized so that we may envisage a "Hunger Free India."

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully.

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